Halloween party ideas 2015


“Io sono buon pastore,” dice Gesù. Con questa frase Gesù si presenta con la sua identità. Gli studiosi della bibbia dicono che meglio usare il bel pastore che il buon pastore. Nella bibbia della lingua greca, si usa parola il bel pastore. Anche al parroco di santa Cristina, preferiva dare il titolo di bel pastore a Gesù, dunque, Gesù è il bel pastore.

Bello è il verbo più larga dal buono. Buono, diciamo, è come limita nel senso morale o nel gusto del cibo. Invece bello significa ha un più profondo. È vero che Gesù non è solo buon pastore ma anche bel pastore.

Il bel pastore si presenta come colui che conosce le sue pecore e le pecore lo conoscono. Non solo conosce ma anche dà la propria vita per le pecore. Gesù usa questa parabola che deriva dalla situazione di quell’epoca. La gente avevano le pecore. Il loro mestiere è pascolare le pecore. Quindi, la maggioranza di loro è pastore, o almeno, il mercenario. Dunque, per loro è facile capire questa parabola di Gesù. Gesù annuncia loro la sua vera identità. Io sono, dice Gesù.

Come loro, anche noi, siamo le pecore di Gesù. Conosciamo Gesù e ascoltiamo la sua voce. Gesù ci conosce. La gente all’epoca di Gesù pensava che siano solo loro intorno a Gerusalemme le pecore di Gesù. Speso noi pensiamo che Gesù abbia circoscritto la sua identità di pastore solo per quella gente della sua epoca, invece egli stesso, dice ho anche delle altre pecore, che non sono di quest’ovile, anche noi siamo il suo gregge, la sua proprietà.

Gesù viene e dà la sua vita non solo per il popolo d’israele, ma per tutti gli uomini sulla terra. Gesù ama tutti e il suo amore è senza misura. Gesù viene per tutti. Così, alla fine abbiamo un solo pastore. Il bel pastore che conosce il nome e la voce del suo popolo, delle sue pecore.

Oggi, noi abbiamo la presenza di Gesù buon pastore nella figura di papa Francesco, Vescovo Enrico, Don luciano, i catechisti, i nostri genitori, etc.. Anche noi, impariamo da loro, ad essere il buon pastore per gli altri. Come anche Gesù, ci insegna attraverso il suo esempio di vita, Perciò condividiamo il nostro amore per gli altri. Con questo atto, noi diventiamo il bel pastore di oggi.

Buona domenica

Parma, 26/4/2015

26 APRIL 2015
di Primo Levi

Se questo è un uomo

Voi che vivete sicuri
nelle vostre tiepide case
voi che trovate tornando a sera
il cibo caldo e visi amici:

Considerate se questo è un uomo
che lavora nel fango
che non conosce pace
che lotta per mezzo pane
che muore per un si o per un no.

Considerate se questo è una donna,
senza capelli e senza nome
senza più forza di ricordare
vuoti gli occhi e freddo il grembo
come una rana d’inverno.

Meditate che questo è stato:
vi comando questo parole.
Scolpi tele nel vostro cuore
stando in casa andando per via,
coricandovi, alzandovi.

Ripetetele ai vostri figli,
o vi si sfaccia la casa,
la malattia vi impedisca,
i vostri nati torcano il viso da voi.

Primo Levi

*del foglietto per la messa in Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.

Saint Peter's Square
Second Sunday of Easter (or Divine Mercy Sunday), 12 April 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today is the eighth day after Easter, and the Gospel according to John documents for us the two appearances of the Risen Jesus to the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room, where on the evening of Easter Thomas was absent, and eight days later, he was present. The first time, the Lord showed them the wounds to his body, breathed on them and said: “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you” (Jn 20:21). He imparts his same mission, through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

But that night Thomas, who did not want to believe what the others witnessed, was not there. “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side”, he said, “I will not believe” (cf. Jn 20:25). Eight days later — which is precisely today — Jesus returned to stand among them and turned immediately to Thomas, inviting him to touch the wounds in his hands and his side. He faced his incredulity so that, through the signs of the passion, he was able to reach the fullness of faith in the Paschal Mystery, namely faith in the Resurrection of Jesus.

Thomas was one who was not satisfied and seeks, intending to confirm himself, to have his own personal experience. After initial resistance and apprehension, in the end even he was able to believe, even though through effort, he came to believe. Jesus waited for him patiently and offered himself to the difficulties and uncertainty of the last to arrive. The Lord proclaimed “blessed”, those who believe without seeing (cf. v. 29) the first of which is Mary his Mother. He also met the needs of the doubting disciple: “Put your finger here, and see my hands...” (v. 27). In the redeeming contact with the wounds of the Risen One, Thomas showed his own wounds, his own injuries, his own lacerations, his own humiliation; in the print of the nails he found the decisive proof that he was loved, that he was expected, that he was understood. He found himself before the Messiah filled with kindness, mercy, tenderness. This was the Lord he was searching for, he, in the hidden depths of his being, for he had always known He was like this. And how many of us are searching deep in our heart to meet Jesus, just as He is: kind, merciful, tender! For we know, deep down, that He is like this. Having rediscovered personal contact with Christ who is amiable and mercifully patient, Thomas understood the profound significance of his Resurrection and, intimately transformed, he declared his full and total faith in Him exclaiming: “My Lord and my God!” (v. 28). Beautiful, Thomas’ expression is beautiful!
He was able to “touch” the Paschal Mystery which fully demonstrated God’s redeeming love (cf. Eph 2:4). All of us too are like Thomas: on this second Sunday of Easter we are called to contemplate, in the wounds of the Risen One, Divine Mercy, which overcomes all human limitations and shines on the darkness of evil and of sin. The upcoming Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy will be an intense and extended time to welcome the immeasurable wealth of God’s love and mercy, the Bull of Indiction for which I promulgated yesterday evening here, in St Peter’s Basilica. That Bull begins with the words: “Misericordiae Vultus”: Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s Mercy. Let us keep our gaze turned to Him, who always seeks us, waits for us, forgives us; so merciful, He is not afraid of our wretchedness. In his wounds He heals us and forgives all of our sins. May the Virgin Mother help us to be merciful with others as Jesus is with us.

After the Regina Caeli:
Dear brothers and sisters, I cordially greet all of you faithful from Rome and you who have come from so many parts of the world. I greet the pilgrims from the Diocese of Metuchen in the United States, the Handmaids of the Child Jesus from Croatia, the Daughters of Divine Charity, the parish groups from Forlì and Gravina in Puglia and all the young men and young women present, especially students from “Figlie di Gesù” school in Modena, those from “Liceo Verga” in Adriano and the confirmands from Palestrina. I greet the pilgrims who attended the Holy Mass presided at by the Cardinal Vicar of Rome in the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia, the centre of devotion to Divine Mercy.

I greet the Neocatechumenal communities of Rome, who today are beginning a special mission in the city’s squares to pray and bear witness to the faith.

I address a cordial greeting to the faithful of the Eastern Churches who, in accordance with their calendar, are celebrating Holy Pascha today. I join in their joy of proclaiming the Risen Christ: Christós anésti! Let us greet our brothers and sisters of the East with applause on this day of their Easter, everyone!

I also address a heartfelt greeting to the Armenian faithful, who came to Rome and attended Holy Mass with the presence of my brothers, the three Patriarchs, and numerous Bishops.

In the past weeks, many messages of Easter greetings have come to me from every part of the world. With gratitude I reciprocate them to all. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the children, the elderly, the families, dioceses, parish and religious communities, the entities and the many associations, who wanted to show me affection and closeness. Please continue to pray for me!

I wish a happy Sunday to all of you. Enjoy your lunch. Arrivederci!

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Saint Peter's Square
Easter Monday, 6 April 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning and Happy Easter,

On this Easter Monday the Gospel (cf. Mt 28:8-15) presents to us the narrative of the women who, on arriving at Jesus’ tomb, find it empty and see an Angel who announces to them that He is risen. And as they run to tell this news to the disciples, they encounter Jesus himself who says to them: “Go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me” (v. 10). Galilee is the “periphery” where Jesus began his preaching; and from there He will share the Gospel of the Resurrection, for it to be proclaimed to all, and that everyone might encounter Him, the Risen One, present and working in history. Today too He is with us, here in the Square. 

This, therefore, is the proclamation that the Church repeats from the first day: “Christ is risen!”. And, in Him, through Baptism, we too are risen, we have passed from death to life, from the slavery of sin to the freedom of love. Behold the Good News that we are called to take to others and to every place, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus and the hope that He brought us is the most beautiful gift that the Christian can and must give to his brothers. To all and to each, therefore, let us not tire of saying: Christ is risen! Let us repeat it all together, today here in the Square: Christ is risen! Let us repeat it with words, but above all with the witness of our lives. The happy news of the Resurrection should shine on our faces, in our feelings and attitudes, in the way we treat others.

We proclaim the Resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our life and we can share that with others: when we know how to smile with those who smile and weep with those who weep; when we walk beside those who are sad and in danger of losing hope; when we recount our experience of faith with those who are searching for meaning and for happiness. With our attitude, with our witness, with our life, we say: Jesus is risen! Let us say it with all our soul.

We are in days of the Easter Octave, during which the joyful atmosphere of the Resurrection accompanies us. It’s curious how the Liturgy considers the entire Octave as one single day, in order to help us centre into the Mystery, so that his grace may impress itself on our hearts and our lives. Easter is the event that brought radical news for every human being, for history and for the world: the triumph of life over death; it is the feast of reawakening and of rebirth. Let us allow our lives to be conquered and transformed by the Resurrection!

Let us ask the Virgin Mother, the silent witness of the death and Resurrection of her Son, to foster the growth of Paschal joy in us. Let us do it now with the recitation of the Regina Caeli, which in the Easter Season substitutes the prayer of the Angelus. In this prayer, expressed by the Alleluia, we turn to Mary inviting her to rejoice, because the One whom she carried in her womb is Risen as He promised, and we entrust ourselves to her intercession. In fact, our joy is a reflection of Mary’s joy, for it is she who guarded and guards with faith the events of Jesus. Let us therefore recite this prayer with the emotion of children who are happy because their mother is happy.

After the Regina Caeli:
In this beautiful Easter climate, I cordially greet all of you, dear pilgrims from Italy and various parts of the world to participate in this moment of prayer. In particular, I am delighted to welcome a Delegation from the Shalom Movement, who have arrived at the last stage of their solidarity relay to raise public awareness concerning the persecution of Christians around the world. The itinerary of your travels is over, but the spiritual journey of intense prayer must continue for everyone, our concrete participation and tangible help in the defence and protection of our brothers and sisters, who are being persecuted, exiled, killed, decapitated for the sole reason that they are Christian. They are our martyrs of today, and they are so many, we could say that they are more numerous than in the early centuries. I hope that the international community will not remain mute and inert before such an unacceptable crime, which is a worrying deviation from the most basic human rights. I sincerely hope that the international community does not turn a blind eye to this.
I hope that each of you may live in joy and serenity this Week throughout which the joy of the Resurrection of Christ extends. In order to live this time more intensely — and I constantly return to this very point — it will do us good to read a passage of the Gospel every day about the event of the Resurrection. Every day a little passage.

A happy and holy Easter to you all! Please, do not forget to pray for me. Have a good lunch and arrivederci!

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The family - 10. Male and female (I)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today’s catechesis is dedicated to an aspect central to the theme of the family: the great gift that God gave to humanity with the creation of man and woman and with the sacrament of marriage. This catechesis and the next one will treat the difference and complementarity between man and woman, who stand at the summit of divine creation; then the two after that will be on other topics concerning marriage. 

Let us begin with a brief comment on the first narrative of creation, in the Book of Genesis. Here we read that God, after having created the universe and all living beings, created his masterpiece, the human being, whom He made in his own image: “in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Gn 1:27), so says the Book of Genesis.

And as we all know, sexual difference is present in so many forms of life, on the great scale of living beings. But man and woman alone are made in the image and likeness of God: the biblical text repeats it three times in two passages (26-27): man and woman are the image and likeness of God. This tells us that it is not man alone who is the image of God or woman alone who is the image of God, but man and woman as a couple who are the image of God. The difference between man and woman is not meant to stand in opposition, or to subordinate, but is for the sake of communion and generation, always in the image and likeness of God.

Experience teaches us: in order to know oneself well and develop harmoniously, a human being needs the reciprocity of man and woman. When that is lacking, one can see the consequences. We are made to listen to one another and help one another. We can say that without the mutual enrichment of this relationship — in thought and in action, in affection and in work, as well as in faith — the two cannot even understand the depth of what it means to be man and woman.

Modern contemporary culture has opened new spaces, new forms of freedom and new depths in order to enrich the understanding of this difference. But it has also introduced many doubts and much skepticism. For example, I ask myself, if the so-called gender theory is not, at the same time, an expression of frustration and resignation, which seeks to cancel out sexual difference because it no longer knows how to confront it. Yes, we risk taking a step backwards. The removal of difference in fact creates a problem, not a solution. In order to resolve the problems in their relationships, men and women need to speak to one another more, listen to each other more, get to know one another better, love one another more. They must treat each other with respect and cooperate in friendship. On this human basis, sustained by the grace of God, it is possible to plan a lifelong marital and familial union. The marital and familial bond is a serious matter, and it is so for everyone not just for believers. I would urge intellectuals not to leave this theme aside, as if it had to become secondary in order to foster a more free and just society.
God entrusted the earth to the alliance between man and woman: its failure deprives the earth of warmth and darkens the sky of hope. The signs are already worrisome, and we see them. I would like to indicate, among many others, two points that I believe call for urgent attention.

The first. There is no doubt that we must do far more to advance women, if we want to give more strength to the reciprocity between man and woman. In fact, it is necessary that woman not only be listened to more, but that her voice carry real weight, a recognized authority in society and in the Church. The very way Jesus considered women in a context less favourable than ours, because women in those times were relegated to second place. Jesus considered her in a way which gives off a powerful light, which enlightens a path that leads afar, of which we have only covered a small stretch. We have not yet understood in depth what the feminine genius can give us, what woman can give to society and also to us. Maybe women see things in a way that complements the thoughts of men. It is a path to follow with greater creativity and courage.

A second reflection concerns the topic of man and woman created in the image of God. I wonder if the crisis of collective trust in God, which does us so much harm, and makes us pale with resignation, incredulity and cynicism, is not also connected to the crisis of the alliance between man and woman. In fact the biblical account, with the great symbolic fresco depicting the earthly paradise and original sin, tells us in fact that the communion with God is reflected in the communion of the human couple and the loss of trust in the heavenly Father generates division and conflict between man and woman.

The great responsibility of the Church, of all believers, and first of all of believing families, which derives from us, impels people to rediscover the beauty of the creative design that also inscribes the image of God in the alliance between man and woman. The earth is filled with harmony and trust when the alliance between man and woman is lived properly. And if man and woman seek it together, between themselves, and with God, without a doubt they will find it. Jesus encourages us explicitly to bear witness to this beauty, which is the image of God.

Special greetings:
I offer an affectionate greeting to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Canada and the United States. Upon you and your families I invoke the peace and joy of the Risen Lord!

I send a special thought to young people, to the sick and to newlyweds. In this Easter Season, I encourage you to be true witnesses of the Resurrection in your families and in your daily environments: Dear young people, especially you students of the Sant’Elisabetta School in Rome, remember that mercy is God’s most beautiful gift; dear sick people, allow yourselves to be consoled by the heavenly Father; and you, dear newlyweds, live out your love imitating the merciful love of Jesus.

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The family - 9. The children (II)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
In this series of Catecheses on the family, today we are completing our reflection on children, who are the most beautiful gift and blessing that the Creator has given to man and woman. We have already spoken about the great gift that children are. Today sadly we must speak about the “passions” which many of them endure.

From the first moments of their lives, many children are rejected, abandoned, and robbed of their childhood and future. There are those who dare to say, as if to justify themselves, that it was a mistake to bring these children into the world. This is shameful! Let’s not unload our faults onto the children, please! Children are never a “mistake”. Their hunger is not a mistake, nor is their poverty, their vulnerability, their abandonment — so many children abandoned on the streets — and neither is their ignorance or their helplessness... so many children don’t even know what a school is. If anything, these should be reasons to love them all the more, with greater generosity. How can we make such solemn declarations on human rights and the rights of children, if we then punish children for the errors of adults?

Those who have the task of governing, of educating, but I would say all adults, we are responsible for children and for doing what we can to change this situation. I am referring to “the passion” of children. Every child who is marginalized, abandoned, who lives on the street begging with every kind of trick, without schooling, without medical care, is a cry that rises up to God and denounces the system that we adults have set in place. And unfortunately these children are prey to criminals who exploit them for shameful trafficking or commerce, or train them for war and violence. But even in so-called wealthy countries many children live in dramatic situations that scar them deeply because of crises in the family, educational gaps and at times inhuman living conditions. In every case, their childhood is violated in body and soul. But none of these children are forgotten by the Father who is in heaven! Not one of their tears is lost! Neither is our responsibility lost, the social responsibility of people, of each one of us, and of countries.

Once Jesus rebuked his disciples because they sent away the children whose parents brought them to Him to be blessed. It is a moving Gospel narrative: “Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people; but Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’ And he laid his hands on them and went away” (Mt 19:13-15). How beautiful is this trust of the parents and Jesus’ response! How I would like this passage to become the norm for all children! It is true that by the grace of God children in grave difficulty are often given extraordinary parents, ready and willing to make every sacrifice. But these parents should not be left alone! We should accompany them in their toil, and also offer them moments of shared joy and lighthearted cheer, so that they are not left with only routine therapy.

When it comes to children, no matter what, there should be no utterance of those legal defense-like formulas: “after all, we are not a charity”, or, “in private, everyone is free to do as he or she wishes”, or even, “we’re sorry but we can’t do anything”. These words do not count when it comes to children.

Too often the effects of a life worn down by precarious and underpaid work, unsustainable hours, bad transport rebound on the children.... Children also pay the price for immature unions and irresponsible separations: they are the first victims; they suffer the outcome of a culture of exaggerated individual rights, and then the children become more precocious. They often absorb the violence they are not able to “ward off” and before the very eyes of adults are forced to grow accustomed to degradation.

Also in our age, as in the past, the Church sets her motherhood at the service of children and their families. To parents and children of this world of ours, she bears the blessing of God, motherly tenderness, a firm reproach and strong condemnation. Children are no laughing matter!

Think what a society would be like if it decided, once and for all, to establish this principle: “It’s true, we are not perfect and we make many mistakes. But when it comes to the children who come into the world, no sacrifice on the part of adults is too costly or too great, to ensure that no child believe he or she was a mistake, is worthless or is abandoned to a life of wounds and to the arrogance of men”. How beautiful a society like this would be! I say that for such a society, much could be forgiven, innumerable errors. Truly a great deal.

The Lord judges our life according to what the angels of children tell him, angels who “always behold the face of the Father who is in heaven” (cf. Mt 18:10). Let us always ask ourselves: what will the children’s guardian angels tell God about us?

Special greetings:
I offer an affectionate greeting to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Sweden, Nigeria, Japan, Thailand, Canada and the United States. May the Risen Lord confirm you in faith and make you witnesses of his love and mercy to all people. May God bless you!

I send out a special thought to young people, to the sick and to newlyweds. May the Easter message continue to make the hearts in our chests burn, like the disciples at Emmaus: dear young people, only the Lord Jesus can respond completely to your hopes for happiness and for the good of your life; dear sick people, there is no more beautiful consolation to your suffering than the certainty of Christ’s Resurrection; and you, dear newlyweds, live out your marriage in concrete adhesion to Christ and to the teachings of the Gospel.

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

P. Augusto Luca, SX
Umurnya 98 tahun. Bekerja lama di Jepang. Sekarang tinggal di Italia. Seorang penulis buku yang produktif. Menulis banyak buku tentang Asia: Jepang, Tibet, dan beberapa negara Asia lainnya. Juga penulis biografi Santo Conforti (1865-1931) dan beberapa santo dan santa lainnya. 

Saya mengenalnya tidak langsung lewat buku-bukunya. Sekarang mengenal langsung dan bertatap muka dengannya. Kadang-kadang berbincang-bincang soal buku-buku yang ditulisnya. Bahkan satu hari, dia mengajak saya ke kantornya dan menghadiahi saya sebuah bukunya tentang Tibet.

Pagi ini, saya meneleponnya, “Buon giono, Tanti Auguri”.
“Buon giorno, grazie, Dio ti benedica”, balasnya dengan nada semangat.

Begini terjemahannya:
“Selamat pagi, selamat ulang tahun.”
“Terima kasih, semoga Tuhan memberkatimu”.

Nada suara anak muda meski fisik tua. Dua tahun lagi mencapai satu abad, 100 tahun. Semangatnya untuk menulis masih ada. Dunia menulis rupanya bisa perpanjang umur. Mau juga tuuuuu.

Happy Birthday Father Augusto Luca SX.

Baca juga 100 tahun P Augusto Luca SX

19 APRILE 2015
di don Primo Mazzolari

foto, www.bedanbreakfastdagiusy.it 

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
capace di rinascere nello Spirito ogni giorno.
Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
senza paura del domani, senza paura dell’oggi,
senza complessi del passato. 

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
che non abbia paura di cambiare,
che non parli per parlare.
Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
capace di vivere insieme agli altri,
di lavorare insieme,
di piangere insieme,
di ridere insieme,
di amare insieme,
di sognare insieme.

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
capace di perdere senza sentirsi distrutto,
di mettersi in dubbio senza perdere la fede,
di portare la pace dove c’è inquietudine
e l’inquietudine dove c’è la pace.

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
che abbia nostalgia della Chiesa,
nostalgia della gente,
nostalgia della povertà di Gesù,
nostalgia dell’obbedienza di Gesù.

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
che non confonda la preghiera
con le parole dette d’abitudine.

Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo
capace di morire per Lei,
ma ancora più capace di vivere per lei,
un uomo capace di diventare ministro di Cristo,
profeta di Dio,
un uomo che parli la sua vita.
Si cerca per la Chiesa un uomo.

*del foglietto per la messa in Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.

sumber gambar di sini
Hati muda fisik tua. Kalimat ini saya terjemahkan dari kalimat bahasa Italia, fisicamente vecchio ma ha un cuore giovane. Kalimat ini saya tulis dalam kesan saya terhadap pribadi Padre Corda dalam misa requiemnya. Kesan ini lahir begitu saja sambil membayangkan jejak sahabatku ini. Seorang teman meminta saya menulis kesan kenangan indah ini. 

Hatinya memang muda. Maksudnya seperti hati anak muda. Hati yang selalu riang gembira. Seringkali Padre Corda datang ketika kami bercerita di beranda rumah. Langkah kakinya pelan. Namun, dia rupanya menyimak perbincagan kami. Lalu, dia menyampaikan kalimat yang membuat kami tertawa. Padre Corda tahu betul, kami anak muda, kadang-kadang butuh kegembiraan seperti ini. Kegembiraan yang mungkin tidak dirasakan oleh anak muda di Jepang yang hari-hari hidup mereka penuh dengan keseriusan tugas kampus atau tugas pekerjaan kantor. Anak muda di kota yang hidupnya monoton dan serba kemacetan seperti Jakarta. Kami memang tinggal di kota bersamanya, di Yogyakarta dan Jakarta, tetapi kami beruntung. Kami mendapatkan kegembiraan seperti ini justru ketika kami hidup dan tinggal bersama Padre Corda.

Banyak anak muda sekarang hidup tanpa orientasi. Selesai kuliah, tidak tahu mau buat apa. Pekerjaan tidak ada. Tidak bisa juga menciptakan dan menemukan lapangan kerja. Disorientasi ini tidak ditemukan dalam hati Padre Corda. Hati mudanya selalu mencari dan berusaha menemukan apa yang bisa dibuat. Fisiknya tua, 80-an lebih, tetapi semangatnya muda. Semangat yang muncul dari hati yang muda. Yogyakarta, kota anak muda, rupanya menyulap hatinya menjadi anak muda. Bukan saja Yogyakarta, Jakarta juga menyulap hatinya. Jakarta memang sudah telanjur dilabel kota penuh sesak terutama jalan rayanya, tapi situasi ini tidak membuat Padre Corda merasa sesak. Di Jakarta, ketika kami bertemu, dia selalu memberikan humor sederhananya. Tidak semuanya tertawa tetapi mampu menciptakan suasana persaudaraan. Suasana yang dinantikan warga Jakarta yang multi etnis, agama, golongan sosial, dan multi lainnya.

Dengan fisik yang tua, dia masih memberi semangat pada anak muda. Lebih dari memberi semangat, dia justru menjadi anak muda. Anak muda yang selalu mencari. Anak muda yang bekerja. Anak muda yang menemukan apa yang bisa dibuatnya. Bunga-bunga di rumah selalu berwarna-warni. Itu karena Padre Corda merawatnya dan membuatnya bervariasi. Tidak satu jenis saja. Beragam jenis. Seperti kami yang berada di sampingnya beragam etnis. Seperti Yogyakarta yang dihuni banyak budaya.

Keragaman ini dibutuhkan oleh rakyat Yogyakarta. Bukan saja karena mau melestarikan predikat kota budayanya tetapi karena memang Yogyakarta menjadi kota pelajar. Pelajar datang dari berbagai kota dan daerah. Keragaman ini juga kami butuhkan. Bukan saja di rumah tetapi juga dalam memberi warna pada alam. Alam sendiri sudah berwarna warni. Warna alam itulah yang mestinya dibawa dalam warna hidup. Padre Corda tahu betul bagaimana memberi warna pada hidup. Satu kali di Kali Urang, kami mencari bunga. Kami sudah membeli dua jenis bunga. Saya menuju mobil dan menyalakan mesin mobil, siap untuk balik Yogyakarta. Padre Corda rupanya mau membeli bunga jenis lainnya. Saya mematikan mesin dan memanggilnya. Padre Corda sedang mencari jenis lainnya. Padre Corda memang orang yang suka mencari banyak jenis bunga. Dia rupanya paham, tanpa ragam jenis, bunga menjadi monoton, tidak berwarna warni. Dengan beragam jenis, bunga menjadi warna warni. Mata tidak bosan melihatnya.

Ah tak bosan bosannya saya mengulas sahabatku ini. Seperti saya memandang bunga yang dihiasnya di ruang doa, di balkon rumah, di halaman depan dan belakang. Bunga-bunga akan mati dan tidak berbunga lagi. Tetapi, ingatan akan kesenian dan keindahan bunga itu akan terlukis abadi dalam benakku. Demikianlah Padre Corda yang berfisik tua dan berhati muda ini, akan saya ingat. Ingatan yang akan menjadi sejarah yang abadi dalam perjalanan hidup ini. Benar kata orang, sejarah tidak akan terhapus meski banyak manipulasi, tekanan, dan konstruksi peristiwa sejarah. (bersambung)

PRM, 20/4/15

foto pendoasion.wordpress.com 
Padre Corda memiliki sifat khas yakni tegas. Dia tegas dalam segala hal termasuk dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Jika ada yang tidak beres, dengan tegas pula dia mencari biangnya. Sifat inilah yang juga sering menjadi jargon Padre Corda dalam karyanya di Indonesia. 

Konon, suatu hari kami mengadakan pertemuan. Pertemuan mingguan yang biasa diadakan setiap Senin pagi. Kami mengusulkan tema yang cocok untuk dibahas dalam minggu itu. Di antara kami sering muncul perbedaan pendapat. Ini biasa. Banyak kepala banyak pendapat, kata pepatah. Namun, pertemuan ini jadi seru bukan karena banyak kepala. Pertemuan ini jadi seru karena Padre Corda menggertakan tangan di meja. Setelahnya dia meninggalkan ruang pertemuan. Pertemuan pun diselesaikan saja. Kami tidak bisa melanjutkan jika salah satu di antara kami tidak hadir.

Padre Corda rupanya seperti ini. Ini adalah bukti sifat tegasnya. Ketegasan ini membuat rekan kerjanya sedikit gentar untuk bekerja dengannya. Namun, ketegasan ini bukanlah halangan besar. Ketegasan ini justru menjadi awal dari kelembutan hati Padre Corda. Dalam ketegasan, ada kelembutan.

Saya ingat persis, suatu sore Padre Corda mengetuk pintu kamar saya. Dia minta waktu sebentar untuk berbincag-bincang dengannya. Saya pun segera keluar dari kamar dan menuju ruang TV, tempat kami bertemu. Saat itulah saya mengerti sifat lain dari Padre Corda. Dia rupanya juga mempunyai sifat lembut. Dalam ketegasannya itulah, saya melihat kelembutan hatinya.

Dia menceritakan panjang lebar tentang ketegasannya dalam pertemuan tadi. Dalam diam, saya mendengarkannya dengan hati dan telinga. Dan, saking asyiknya, kami melanjutkan perbincangan setelah makan malam. Padre Corda rupanya menunjukkan kelembutan hatinnya pada saat yang tepat. Ia membutuhkan seseorang yang mau dan mampu mendengarkan isi hatinya. Isi hatinya adalah kelembutan itu. Kelembutan yang kadang tidak terlihat. Kelembutan yang tersembunyi dengan sifat tegasnya.

Kelembutan itu menjadi pewaris dari Padre Corda untuk kami anak didiknya. Dalam pendidikan, dia tegas sekaligus lembut. Terima kasih untuk teladan tegas dan lembutmu Padre. Doakan kami dari seberang. (bersambung)

PRM, 20/3/15

Dari kecil, saya sering menulis surat untuk bapak dan ibu, untuk kakak dan adik, untuk sahabat dan kenalan. Saya memang gemar menulis surat. Surat-surat yang saya tulis rupanya mendapat respons dari bapak dan ibu, adik dan kakak, serta sahabatku. Surat itu rupanya bukan sekadar kata-kata dan kertas serta tinta tetapi benda berharga yang tentunya dibalas dengan surat juga. Saya menerima surat balasan dari bapak-ibu, kakak, dan adik saya.

Bukan saya saja yang menulis surat. Surat memang bisa ditulis oleh siapa saja dan bisa dikirim untuk siapa saja. Minimal untuk orang yang kita kenal. Kepala sekolah biasanya menulis surat atau menyampaikan langsung pesannya kepada siswa. Pastor paroki atau bapak uskup bahkan Paus Fransiskus juga sering menyampaikan pesan entah langsung atau tulisan kepada umatnya. Bapak presiden juga demikian. Mentri, gubernur, bupati, camat, dan kepala desa serta bapak dusun juga demikian.

Surat yang paling berkesan juga adalah surat dari orang tua untuk anak-anak. Saya mendengar sharing dari sepasang suami-istri semalam, Jumat, 17 April 2015. Mereka membagikan perjalanan hidup mereka. Dari pacaran sampai berkeluarga dan mempunyai 5 anak sekarang ini. Mereka jatuh cinta sejak SMA. Menikah di usia 24 tahun pada 21 tahun yang lalu. Cinta mereka memang muda dan pernikahan mereka juga di usia muda.

Surat mereka sungguh menarik. Mereka menyimak berita di TV dan koran. Ada berita tentang masa depan anak-anak. Dari berita itulah mereka mendapat inspirasi untuk menulis surat kepada 5 anak mereka. Mereka katakan dengan bahagia bahwa masa depan kalian anak-anak ada di tangan masing-masing. Jangan takut menghadapi berbagai tantangan.
Jangan gentar menerima celaan dan tantangan yang menghadang.
Jangan takut berhadapan dengan orang yang mempunyai kepercayaan dan tidak.
Jangan gentar bergaul dengan teman seagama dan tidak seagama.
Dengan teman dan orang asing.

Surat ini menarik. Pesannya sungguh berharga bagi masa depan anak-anak. Lebih dari sekadar menyampaikan pesan berharga, surat ini adalah bukti cinta orang tua pada anak-anak mereka. Dengan demikian, surat ini adalah surat cinta bapak dan ibu untuk anak-anak mereka. Surat ini berisi cinta yang dalam dari bapak dan ibu. Surat cinta ini beda dengan surat cinta dua kekasih kala berpacaran. Surat cinta jenis ini memang berisi ungkapan cinta. Hanya saja kadar cintanya beda. Ibarat kopi kental dan kopi asal hitam. Surat cinta bapak ibu seperti kopi kental. Hitam kelihatannya, pahit rasanya. Dalam kepahitan itulah letak kedalaman cinta yang mereka berikan. Beda dengan surat cinta dua kekasih yang memang memberi cinta. Hanya saja cinta yang kabur, seperti kopi asal hitam di dalam gelas. Cinta yang meloncat-loncat. Cinta monyet.

Teringat surat yang juga pernah saya tulis untuk orang tua saya. Surat ini beda dengan banyak surat lain yang saya tulis untuk mereka. Surat ini pun saya beri nama SURAT CINTA untuk bapak dan ibu. Memang, saat itu, dalam sebuah kesempatan retret, kami menulis surat cinta untuk orang tua. Inilah salah satu momen indah dalam hidup. Momen indah seperti saat-saat awal jatuh cinta. Rasanya ingin memiliki padahal hanya cinta sesaat. Seperti cinta itu, surat cinta yang saya tulis berisi ungkapan terima kasih atas cinta bapak dan ibu. Rasanya seperti saya bisa membalas cinta mereka. Yakin sekali saya bisa. Padahal, cinta mereka jauh lebih besar dari tenaga saya. Cinta mereka tak saya jangkau. Cinta mereka begitu besar. Rasa-rasanya saya hanya mampu membalasnya dalam mimpi. Dalam surat pun tidak. Betapa besar cinta itu. Betapa saya hanya berangan-angan saja menggapai cinta itu. Cinta itu memang besar dan hanya dalam angan-anganlah saya sanggup menggapainya.

Begitu besar cinta itu sampai-sampai meski saya mencintai orang tua saya, cinta itu pun belum dan tidak akan sebanding dengan cinta orang tua terhadap saya. Ah, betapa bahagianya keluarga ini. Bapak dan Ibu tidak pernah merasa cinta mereka sebatas bertemu, pacaran, nikah, berkeluarga, melahirkan. Cinta mereka berlanjut. Cinta yang nyata dalam mendidik, membesarkan, menyekolahkan, bahkan sampai membuat surat cinta untuk anak-anak mereka.

Beruntung saya pernah membuat surat cinta untuk bapak dan ibu. Betapa saya merasa beruntung. Meski demikian, tentu cinta bapak dan ibu tetap tak sebanding dengan cinta yang saya berikan pada mereka. Mereka sudah berbuat banyak pada saya. Seperti bapak dan ibu yang bercerita malam ini, cinta bapak dan ibu saya juga demikian. Terima kasih bapak dan ibu. Terima kasih kakak dan adik-adik saya.

Terima kasih untuk surat kalian.

Parma, 18/4/2015

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